How this book started

I woke up one morning in lockdown (I'm disabled and my doctor advised I stay in) so on this morning I had an idea for a story.

Not an unusual thing my mind often manipulates words and phrases but this time it had invented five characters God Becca Martin Zoe and Mary.

I had the bonus of half the first chapter roughly worked out and that went down the easy part was done.

I had my sister for advice but really it was down to me sat in front of the laptop and each time I sat down the idea's kept comming I never planed or ploted this book I borrowed a phrase from the impressionists En plejn air and I wrote as I saw it but also I realised the reader was going to be a partner in this books creation so gaps were left throughout the text that allowed the reader room to imagin and in addition I filled the text with little nuggets some very personal to me that I would never confirm to anybody and some things there for the reader to discover for themselves and probably there are things even I don't know are there.

A little over eight weeks and the full text was written then months of spell checking and punctuation all electronic then a detailed edit which was good enough that almost all survived the publisher's edit.

I poured a lot of my life experience my thoughts my wishes of how life could be there is a lot of me in the characters but I left room for there to be some of you in them if you want.

This book is a journey in part my journey when you pick it up and read it it becomes your journey as well.

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