How the book grew
I had the idea and characters and the first chapter was half done.
Conversations between God and Becca were the spine of this and the develment of zoe added sparkle and a love interest this would be tested later in the book but I knew it would be important to establish this early.
By the time the chapter was ended there was a miracle, Becca and God knew their path and new character's were being lined up to take their part in the story.
All I had to do was come up with what their part was going to be.
I never believed I had a freedom I was writing a character based fiction so what I was writing need only be appropriate for the charaters that the world they inhabited was believable not a carbon copy of my world so I just kept on turning up with ideas and putting them down.
I finished chapter one with only a sketch of what was going to start chapter two but already I was enjoying inventing so along came Geraldine and Doris and there was a wedding on the horizon.
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